Monday, December 12, 2011

humger games paper

   Wow this is some sad stuff Hunger games and the iraq war, man I wouldn't won't to be in either of them. But in the Hnger games it wouldn't be my choice it's either you die or you survive. To got to war that's another story because you can choose whether you won't to sign up or not. Also if you do go becareful because in the iraq war 4330 americans died and 113493 iraqians died ( "Iraq War"). In the Hunger games there were only two survivers out of 24. This is not the only wya these two connect with each other, so keep reading.
     One ccomparison is that they both are trying to survive and win because in the hunger games only one of the teams could win. In the iraq war america and the united kingdom won because they were a tem. But what's the real reason they all went to war? Well america and united kindom invaded iraq because it was claimed that they were making weapons of mass destruction. But when america went there they didn't have know weapons of mass dustruction. In the hunger games they basiclly went to war because went to war because they wanted to keep reminding that the capital is in charge. The iraq war connects with that because it was like the u.s. and the u.k. reminded iraq that they were in charge. It took 248000 u.s. troops to go to war in iraq and in the hunger games only 24 people went to war ("How many us troops were sent to iraq"). Also the war was televised the whole time in both the hunger games and the iraq war.
       March 19, 2003 was a crushal day for the iraq people because that's the day the invasion started ("Iraq war timeline"). But in the hunger games warr for them started in the distant future. These two wars are very alike and very different but they have one thing in common, they are deffenitly very villant with alot of killing.

Works Cited
"Iraq War." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. 08 Dec. 2011. Web. 09 Dec. 2011.
"How Many Us Troops Were Sent to Iraq." Chacha. Web.
"Iraq War Timeline, 2003-2008." Middle East News and Issues from 02 Mar. 2011. Web. 09 Dec. 2011. <>.